
Showing posts from November, 2022

I Defend The Rise of Skywalker, Because I Can

    The Rise of Skywalker was not a good movie. But what if it was? What if it was actually a masterful work of art, and we’ve all just been understanding it wrong? That’s probably not the case, but if majoring in English taught me anything, it’s that you can make any argument about something if you find even a little bit of evidence for it.    So, in the interest of being as annoying as possible, I’m going to argue that the most universally-disliked Star Wars movie is actually a work of genius. Not because I actually think that, but just because I can. Because I’ve gone mad with power.   Just like Palpatine.     TROS has a difficult job because it needs to serve as an end to the Star Wars saga – not just the sequels, but the entire thing. TROS has a relatively large amount of allusions to the prequel trilogy. More than The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi did, at least. Commercials for TROS used Duel of the Fates, the de facto theme song of the pre...