
Showing posts from January, 2022

Community: How to Make a Safe Pilot for Your Very Weird Show

    When using TV pilots as examples for writing beginnings, you need to keep something very important in mind, something that becomes very evident when looking at Community . See, a TV show often ends up being very different from its first episode. On the other hand, with something like a book, the ending and the beginning both get published at the same time. Books don’t have the luxury of “finding their legs” that often happens with TV shows after the first season.     But sometimes a TV show doesn’t even have any intention of being the show the pilot says it’s going to be like.     Maybe Dan Harmon really did intend for Community to be a simple, grounded show about a lawyer becoming a nicer person in community college. But I feel like he wrote this pilot to make TV execs happy, and it wasn’t what he would really do if he was given full creative control. Source:     I mean, take a look at some of the show’s later episodes. Imagine...